Multimodal literacy in the chilean language and communication curriculum: learning opportunities for elementary education



This article examines the opportunities to learn about multimodal literacy promoted by the Bases Curriculares (2012) in Language and Communication subject for Chilean elementary education. Although there is consensus about the multimodal character of literacy practices, the school continues to focus mainly on reading and writing practices centered on mastering the verbal language. The analysis revealed that only 26.9% of multimodal literacy development opportunities are explicitly addressed, with more presence in the oral and reading domains and few opportunities for multimodal writing. Furthermore, the role of media, contexts, and metalanguage for learning the subject needs to be specified. This article discusses implications for educational policies and pays special attention to the role of multimodality in conceptualizing literacy in the context of the futures of education.


Curriculum, Literacies, Multimodality, Reading, Writing, Multimodal literacy


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