The financing of the politics still bring back intense debates worldwide. No matter which continent or country is being analyzed, certainly the consensus about which mechanisms or which model to be adopted will not be built easily. In addition, it is known that the problems related to this subject are cyclical and frequently replaced for new ones just after passing one reform bill. On the other hand, many of reform laws passed are a fast reaction to arisen corruption scandals, what turns this panorama more obscure. The absence of a previous and needed reflection complicates even more one system eventually already weak in front of democracy. With the aim to identify more clearly the Gordian knots of the financing of political parties and electoral campaigns, it was decided to observe the reality of other countries, in order to make possible the structuring of a general theory. What is attempted is to demonstrate that pure patterns are not recommended if truly is wanted to reach healthy levels to the political systems, and the balance of a mixed pattern is a strong challenge, although inevitable.
Financing, political parties, electoral campaigns, democracy, corruption
Santano, A. C. (2015). Political parties, electoral campaigns and financing mechanisms in comparative law. Revista De Derecho Público, (82), Pág. 275–298.