Spatial matching for Georeferencing Data of Household Surveys


  • Mónica Navarrete Universidad de Talca); Universidad de Tarapacá
  • Patricio Aroca Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
  • Jorge Bernal Universidad de Talca); Universidad de Tarapacá


This paper develops a methodology using business intelligence (data warehouse) and OLAP tools (Online Analytical Processing) to match individuals from a household survey data to a census one. In order to geo-reference the household data, the method takes advantage of the geographical information of the census. Using the 2003 Household Survey and the 2002 Chilean Census of Population and Housing, the average household income is projected to intra-municipality levels and the results are compared to Elbers et al. (2003) methodology. The results show that the proposed methodology allows for taking into account and display the impact of intra-municipality heterogeneity and the spatial interaction among the spatial units.


Spatial Matching, Small Areas Estimation, Household Surveys, Household Income, Business Intelligence