The Planning function of the Regional Government. Basics
Manuel Tobar Leiva
Director Ejecutivo del Centro de Estudios de la Región de Valparaíso. Licenciado y Diplomado en Asuntos Públicos e Internacionales, Universidad Católica de Lovaina. Consejero del Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso
The certainty of a person that there is "a tomorrow", encourages him to think about what he will do the "next day". Symmetrically, a community of people united by territory, race, language, a common past, is also questioned by the certainty that in the future a future springs forth, in which we will live and which we must face. Therefore, reflecting on how we live in the present and how we will live in the future is undoubtedly a permanent and crucial challenge for humanity. What will the future hold for us? What do we do to live better? Do we wait without doing anything, or do we act in the present so that whatever comes finds us ready?
Regional Government, Planification, Society, State
Tobar Leiva, M. (2015). The Planning function of the Regional Government. Basics. Revista De Derecho Público, (70), Págs. 393–413.