Communist culture and cold war: intellectuals and the peace movement in Argentina
Adriana Petra
Investigadora del Centro de Documentación en Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en la Argentina (CeDInCI), Universidad Nacional de San Martín
This paper aims to reconstruct the early action of the Argentine Council for Peace, local headquarters of the World Peace Council, the most important front organization supported by communism during the Cold War period. Through the itineraries of writers María Rosa Oliver and Alfredo Varela and the essayist Ernesto Giudici, key figures in the Movement for Peace in Argentina, the article analyzes the relationship between intellectuals and communist efforts after World War II, in the context of Juan Domingo Peron's government.
Movement for Peace in Argentina, Cold War, Intellectuals
Petra, A. (2013). Communist culture and cold war: intellectuals and the peace movement in Argentina. Cuadernos De Historia, (38), Pág. 99–130. Retrieved from