This article analyzes the violent events that took place at the ‘pueblo de indios' of Pomaire in September, 1811, marking the end of an era during which the Indians were criminalized, their lands' rights were questioned and internal strife erupted due to a legal suit for the ascension to the offi ce of cacique. It postulates that this sequence of confl icts was a localized expression of the major confrontation which, during that period, evolved between the Republican elite and some important sectors of the plebe, who denied their support to the Aristocratic Revolution. Methodologically, it combines the contributions made by Subaltern Studies, Social History, Microhistory and Etnohistory, in order to challenge the offi cial narrative which has systematically ignored these events.
León, L. (2011). Conflicts and mutiny in the ´pueblo de indios´of Pomaire (Central Chile), 1790-1811. Cuadernos De Historia, (35), Pág. 93–134. Retrieved from