Educating in times of crisis. The rationalist school movement of the labor federation of Chile, 1921-1926
Leonora Reyes Jedlicki
Investigadora Programa Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Educación (PIIE).
Profesora Departamento de Estudios Pedagógicos (DEP), Universidad de Chile
This article explores the cultural production of social movements in Chile at the beginning of the twentieth century. Questioning the belief that the Estado docente was the sole mechanism of social democratization, it explores the pedagogic proposals developed by workers and their associations during what is referred to as the period of the ‘Social Question’. The article concludes by analyzing the factors which led to the demise of these alternative pedagogic experiments.
Estado docente, Rationalist school, pedagogical movement
Reyes Jedlicki, L. (2009). Educating in times of crisis. The rationalist school movement of the labor federation of Chile, 1921-1926. Cuadernos De Historia, (31), Pág. 91–122. Retrieved from