History and historiography of anarchism in Chile (1980-2015)


  • Eduardo A. Godoy Sepúlveda Académico de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Historia de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Becario CONICYT. Se agradecen los comentarios críticos del historiador Hernán Venegas Valdebenito y la ayuda en el proceso de edición y corrección de la historiadora argentina Ivanna Margarucci


The following article is addressed, as a balance bibliographic, historiographical developed between 1980 and 2015 on the Chilean anarchism. It is argued that the renewal of the political and cultural history as well as the epistemological crisis that resulted in the coup of 1973 led to the wider range of research related to the product of the incorporation of new methodologies and analytical approaches anarchism.


History, Historiography, Anarchism, Anarchist syndicalism