“Et eamus ad regem legionis et faciamus eum regem super nos et dominum et amicus nostrum, quia, sicut ero noui, ipse dominatibur terre sarracenorum”. Alfonso VII de león y Zafadola Rex Sarracenorum
Ángel G. Gordo Molina
Doctor en Historia Medieval por la Universidad de Salamanca, Académico invitado de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Departamento de Ciencias Históricas. Universidad de
Chile, Santiago de Chile
Diego Melo Carrasco
Doctor en Historia Medieval por la Universidad de Salamanca, Académico de la Facultad de Artes Liberales. Departamento de Historia. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Santiago
Emperor Alfonso VII of Leon’s peninsular relations were shaped by the relationship and struggles between both, the Christian realms of the inner borders, as well as those in the external borders against Islam. This paper aims to recreate the stratagems of alliance and jurisdiction over Muslim leaders in order to develop and establish jurisdiction through the use of space at the expense of the Taifa of al- Andalus. This is the case of the links established with the sovereign Sayf al-Dawla, the Zafadola of the christian chronicles.
Gordo Molina, Ángel G., & Melo Carrasco, D. (2017). “Et eamus ad regem legionis et faciamus eum regem super nos et dominum et amicus nostrum, quia, sicut ero noui, ipse dominatibur terre sarracenorum”. Alfonso VII de león y Zafadola Rex Sarracenorum. Cuadernos De Historia, (46), pp. 137–151. Retrieved from https://cuadernosdehistoria.uchile.cl/index.php/CDH/article/view/46699