In order to conduct a review of the “Social Question” in Concepción, this article seeks to analyze the link between Lorenzo Arenas Olivos and the Mutual Relief Society of Workers of Concepción, in the period of the “turn of the century”. As one of the essential characteristics of the mutualist melting pot in Concepción, the performative expressions of masonic values are shared as a form of sociability to which Lorenzo Arenas belonged. There is a clear relationship between the forms of Masonic sociability and mutualism, in whose culture a vision of a society that is divorced from the religious is expressed, and with a view to “progress”, “modernity” and universal morality.
Lorenzo Arenas, masonic sociability, progress, masonry, Concepción
Author Biography
Rubén Elgueta Reyes, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
Candidato al grado de Doctor en Historia, Universidad de Concepción, docente del Departamento de Historia y Geografía de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Correo electrónico:
Elgueta Reyes, R. (2020). Freemasonry and mutuality in the city of Concepción. First antecedents on the role of Lorenzo Arenas Olivos 1871-1901. Cuadernos De Historia, (52), pp. 103–131. Retrieved from