Anti-imperialism and Latin Americanism in the Chilean Socialist Party, 1933-1967



Abstract: The idea of anti-imperialism lacks conceptual and practical homogeneity which can be appealed by different political doctrines and ideological currents. This work aims to characterize the intellectual trajectory of anti-imperialist thought in the Chilean Socialist Party (PS), recognizing its originality, moments of change, and continuities during the period between 1933 and 1967. Far from doctrinal and discursive homogeneity, the different interpretations on this topic are inseparable from the changes in international reality due to internal debate between the socialist intelligentsia, concerned about the dynamics of imperialist penetration in Latin America and the Third World. From that point of view, socialists support and subscribe to different nationalist and antiimperialist programs that linked the national political process with the dynamics of the international system.


Chilean Socialism, Anti-imperialism, Latin Americanism, World War II, Cold War, Third World

Author Biography

Pablo Garrido González, Freie Universität Berlin

Estudiante del Doctorado en Historia Moderna, Freie Universität Berlin. ANID - Becas Chile Doctorado en el Extranjero 2019, 72200059. Berlín, Alemania, ORCID ID: https://orcid. org/0000-0002-0550-094X. Correo electrónico: