The present question over the event, narration and historization: an approach to the Argentine feminist movement



This article revisits the controversial thesis, uttered in the context of narrativism in the philosophy of contemporary history, which claims that events are not the raw material from which a historical narrative arises, but rather that they are an abstraction of it. In front of the possible diagnosis that today we are living in a time of phenomena whose record seems to prevent their comprehension, and through a critical dialogue with reflections by Louis Mink and Hayden White, I will argue that theory of history can find direction to its reflection by attending to how current modes of recording are inseparable from the very identification of what happens and, at the same time, how that identification continues to imply the dispute between alternative or previous narratives. I will exemplify my proposal with a theoretical approach to the case of the Argentine feminist movement that began in 2015.


Event, narration, theory of history, feminist movement, Louis Mink, Hayden White

Author Biography

María Inés La Greca, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero y Universidad de Buenos Aires. Doctora en Filosofía. Sáenz Peña, Argentina.
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